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时钟或计时器的图标Q1. 一辆城市车辆被损坏. 我现在该怎么办?

Q2. 有人能帮我检查一下服务合同吗?

Q3. How can I prevent cyber attacks on my city’s systems when I don’t have tech staff?

Q4. Our city is sponsoring a summer picnic 和 there will be beer available; however, 我们不收费. Do we need to have liquor liability coverage for this event?

Q5. Are city volunteers covered by our workers’ compensation coverage?

Q6.What should we do if a city employee is injured on the job?


我们需要招聘季节性职位. How do we properly onboard new employees in this situation?

一辆城市车辆被损坏. 我现在该怎么办?

A1:在明尼苏达城市保险信托联盟下, the auto liability coverage provides coverage for amounts members are legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury or property damage arising out 的 ownership, 维护, 或使用任何汽车. 索赔 can be submitted to LMCIT using any 的 following formats:

Read about auto liability coverage in the 汽车 报道 Guide


A2:是的! Under the 明尼苏达城市联盟 保险信托’s liability rating system, cities can potentially reduce their liability premium if service contracts  adequately reduce the city’s liability exposure. Service contracts can be sent to LMCIT 风险 Management Attorney Chris Smith at csmith@liuyang1999.com 审查.


Q3: How can I prevent cyber attacks on my city’s systems when I don’t have tech staff?

A3: The best defense for a city is to go back to the three fundamental components of security: people, 流程, 和技术. Here are a few suggestions to help prevent cybercrime within your city departments:

  • By far the most common method for an attack is through phishing. Help city employees underst和 phishing 和 have a set process so they know how to alert others if something looks suspicious.
  • 鼓励和教育员工使用强密码. Passwords are the most attractive target for cyber attackers.
  • Incorporate 流程 for additional layers of security like multi-factor authentication. This method uses a password 和 something else in combination to allow access. 例如, a password 和 a code sent via text or phone call to validate the login.
  • 评估你的城市的技术是否简单. The more complex the technology, the more difficult it is to keep secure.
  • Look at your most critical systems or data 和 focus on protecting those assets first.

Join our e风险 Hub where you can find free video training 和 other great tools for security. 访问e-风险 hub.

You can also access web-based safety courses through NEOGOV. 访问NEOGOV安全培训.

Q4: Our city is sponsoring a summer picnic 和 there will be beer available; however, 我们不收费. Do we need to have liquor liability coverage for this event?

A4: No. The city does not need liquor liability coverage if it will only be serving alcohol 和 not selling it. 然而,城市必须确定,没有出售. 例如, if the city is selling admission tickets 和 the beer is free, that could be considered the sale of alcohol 和 in that case, 酒类责任保险是必要的.

看到 第二节.K、酒类法律责任LMCIT责任保险指南 了解更多信息.

Q5: Are city volunteers covered by our workers’ compensation coverage?

A5: 应急响应志愿者, 包括随叫随到的紧急志愿者, are defined by statute as “employees” for purposes of workers’ compensation. That means they automatically have coverage under your policy if they’re registered with 和 work under the direction 和 control 的 city.

所有其他志愿者, like coaches 和 volunteers working on a city-sponsored festival, 是否在LMCIT的志愿者意外保险范围内. 虽然福利比工人补偿更有限, there is some protection for volunteers on a no-fault basis, if those volunteers are working under the city’s direction 和 control.

看到 节中,我.C.7、应急响应员工和志愿者节中,我.C.8、所有其他志愿者劳工补偿指南 了解更多信息.

Q6: What should we do if a city employee is injured on the job?

A6: Members should file the injury on a First Report of Injury (FROI) form. An employee must report an injury to their employer within 180 days of its occurrence. The employer must then report the claimed injury to LMCIT within 10 days 的 employer’s first knowledge of its occurrence. If the employee’s supervisor or manager knows about the injury, the employer is also considered to have knowledge 的 injury. 确保管理人员知道他们的职责. (If an employee is killed or suffers a life-threatening injury, it must be reported to LMCIT within 24 hours 的 occurrence so LMCIT can submit to the Department of Labor 和 Industry within its 48-hour deadline. 事故发生后八小时内, the employer must also call Minnesota OSHA at (651) 284-5050 or (877) 470-6742.)

看到 声明部分 的 LMC 网站 to access claim forms, 和 the LMC 网站 了解更多信息 on 工人赔偿索赔管理.


A7: LMCIT created a model policy that addresses a city’s duty to inspect 和 maintain sidewalks, which focuses on the discretion 和 professional judgment 的 public works department, 例如, to determine whether 和 when sidewalks need to be replaced or repaired.

在LMCIT信息备忘录中了解更多信息, 城市街道的购置和维护 模范政策, 人行道检查及维修.

我们需要招聘季节性职位. How do we properly onboard new employees in this situation?

A8: All seasonal workers must be trained as if they are full-time employees. Employers must cover all MN OSHA required training, all task-specific training (e.g., training must be provided annually for special equipment 和 tasks including forklifts, 剪草机, 剪刀式升降机), 和 provide all correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

了解更多OSHA安全要求,请浏览 明尼苏达州劳动和工业部 网站.
